Monday, July 26, 2010
Anjuran Islam Untuk Berkahwin
Islam adalah satu agama yang menganjurkan perkahwinan. Malah tiada agama tidak menganjurkan perkahwinan kerana perkahwinan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk membina keluarga dan mengembangbiakkan umat manusia.
Islam melihat perkahwinan sebagai satu daripada fitrah manusia. Setiap manusia perlukan teman hidup yang dapat mententeramkan jiwa dan berkongsi suka dan duka. Itulah sebabnya Allah menjadikan manusia ini berpasangan-pasangan (ar-Rum: 21). Melalui perkahwinan juga, Allah mengurniakan manusia dengan keturunan yang melaluinya umat manusia berkembangbiak (an-Nahl: 72). Selain ayat-ayat ini, Allah juga berfirman di dalam al-Quran tentang kehidupan para Rasul yang juga berumahtangga (ar-Ra'd: 38). Demikianlah fitrah manusia, sama ada manusia biasa mahupun para Rasul, mereka tetap ingin hidup berteman dalam sebuah perkahwinan.
Hadis-hadis Rasulullah s.a.w juga banyak sekali anjuran supaya umat Islam berkahwin. Sebagai contoh, hadis yang bermaksud, "Perkahwinan adalah salah satu sunnahku. Barangsiapa tidak menyukai sunnahku, maka sesungguhnya ia tidak meyukai aku." Hadis ini menunjukkan bahawa perkahwinan merupakan satu sunnah dan sebagai umat Muhammad, kita perlulah mengikuti sunnah Baginda.
Kemudian dikatakan pula bahawa perkahwinan itu sebahagian dari iman seperti dalam hadis berikut yang bermaksud, "Seseorang yang menikah telah menenangkan separuh agamanya. Maka hendaklah ia bertakwa kepada Allah dengan menjaga separuh yang lain." Dalam menganalisa hadis ini, Imam al-Ghazali berpendapat, "dengan melangsungkan perkahwinan, seseorang itu akan dapat menjaga dirinya dari kerosakan agama atau akhlaknya. Dapatlah disimpulkan bahawa yang paling merosakkan akhlak seseorang itu ialah perut dan kemaluannya. Oleh sebab itu, dengan berkahwin akan terpeliharalah salah satu penyebab utama kerosakan agamanya. "
Dalam konteks ini, tentulah perkahwinan itu perlu disegerakan. Walau bagaimanapun, ada satu syarat yang perlu dipenuhi sebelum seseorang itu boleh berkahwin iaitu kemampuan. Ini kerana dalam sepotong hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda yang bermaksud, "Barangsiapa memiliki kemampuan untuk kahwin, hendaklah ia berkahwin. Hal itu lebih membantu menjaga pandangan serta kehormatan. Namun, apabila tidak mampu, hendaklah ia berpuasa. Dengan berpuasa, syahwatnya akan lemah." Hadis ini menunjukkan bahawa bila ada kemampuan, kahwinlah. Jangan ditangguhkan lagi. Sebaliknya, bagi yang tidak mampu, ia tidak boleh berkahwin sebaliknya berpuasalah untuk menjaga nafsunya.
Jadi, adalah jelas bahawa Islam adalah satu agama yang menganjurkan perkahwinan dan ia melihat bagi yang mampu, lebih cepat berkahwin adalah lebih baik. Oleh yang demikian, dalam konteks sekarang, kalau sudah berkemampuan, kahwinlah dan jangan tangguh-tangguh lagi. Tambah pula jika penanguhan itu bagi tujuan-tujuan seperti untuk memenuhi kepuasan hidup bujang atau untuk mengelakkan diri dari dikongkong. Ini tentunya bertentangan dengan Islam kerana perkara-perkara ini akan mendedahkan kita kepada perkara-perkara yang tidak baik.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Amalan pada Malam Nisfu Syaban
Selesai sembahyang Maghrib hendaklah dibaca YASIN. Dengan niat panjangkan umurnya dalam mentaati Allah. Kemudian berdoalah. Kemudian dibacakan pula YASIN dengan diniatkan diluaskan Allah rezkinya yang halal dan diberkatinya, kemudian lalu dibacakan doanya. Kemudian dibacakan pula YASIN dengan diniatkan minta mati dalam iman, kemudian lalu dibacakan doanya.
Pada malam Nisfu Syaban sangat baik dibanyakan beristighfar (memohon keampunan) dan taubat dari dosa-dosa besar dan kecil serta meminta diampunkan Allah ibubapa kita dan keluarga kita.
(Ya Allah, Engkau Tuhanku, tiada ada Tuhan melainkan Engkau, Engkau telah menjadikan aku dan aku adalah hambaMU, sentiasa berada dalam genggamanMu dan ketetapanMU, tiada ada kesanggupanku. Aku mengaku padaMU nikmatMu atasku dan aku mengaku kepadaMu dengan dosa-dosaku, maka ampunilah aku. Sesungguhnya tiada apa yang akan mengampun dosa melainkan Engkau jua. Aku berlindung dengan Engkau daripada kejahatan apa yang telah aku lakukan.
Memohon keampunan dua ibubapa,
Memohon keampunan dan taubat diri: (70/100 kali pagi petang)
Membaca: (beberapa kali - pahala seperti ibadat seribu tahun).
Membaca Al-Qur'an.
Membaca Tasbih: (Seratus kali tiap-tiap satu)
"Maha Suci Tuhanku yang Maha Tinggi."
"Maha Suci Allah dan dengan segala kepujianNya. Maha Suci Allah yang Maha Agung."
"Maha Suci Allah dan segala kepujian bagi Allah tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan Allah Maha Besar (Agong) tiada suatu daya dan tiada suatu kekuatan melainkan dengan Allah Yang Maha Agong."
Membaca Salawat Atas Nabi: ( 10 atau 100 kali pagi dan petang.)
Membaca Zikrullah: (100 kali selepas sembahyang Subuh dan Asar.)
Sembahayang-sembahyang sunat: Sunat Mutlaq, Sunat Isyraq, sunat Dhuha, Sunat mengiringi Fardhu, Sunat Awwabin, Sunat Tahajjud, Sunat Tasbih, Sunat Witir dan Sunat Hajat di tengah malam sebaik-baiknya memohon hajat sesuatu.
Nisfu Syaban and Its Night
There are some hadiths that speak about the Middle of Syaban and its night. However, the scholars of hadith say that most of the hadiths concerning this night are not authentic. They are weak (da`if) according to the criteria of the narrators and scholars of Hadith. Imam Al-Mundhiri (died in 656 A.H.) in his famous book At-Targhib wat-Tarhib (vol. 2, pp. 116-120) reported fourteen hadiths on the subject of this night. The following points can be summarized from those hadiths:
1. The month of Syaban is a great month.
2. In this month Allah takes the account of His creation.
3. Because this month occurs between two other important months (Rejab and Ramadan) many people do not pay enough attention to it.
4. The Prophet (peace be upon him) loved to fast during this month. He used to fast most of the month of Syaban.
5. After sunset on the night of Middle of Syaban, Allah in His great mercy and kindness turns towards His creation and asks, "Is there anyone who would seek My forgiveness and I forgive him (or her)? Is there anyone who is in need to ask Me and I provide for his (or her) needs. Is there anyone who is in pain and seeks My help and I help him (or her)? Is there…? Is there…?” until the time of Dawn."
6. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is said to have recommended prayers during this night and fasting during the following day.
7. It reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used to visit the Muslim cemetery on this evening and he used to pray for the deceased Muslims.
These are the things that we learn from some hadiths about the significance of this night. However, there are many practices and customs common in some Muslim countries, such as making a sweet dish, setting off fireworks, etc. These things have no meaning and no reference in hadiths. There are also some superstitious beliefs about this night. For example, some people believe that the spirits of the deceased visit their relatives during this night. Some believe that there is a special tree in Heaven upon whose leaves are the names of all human beings, and whatever leaves drop during this night, those people are destined to die in this year. Some think that the decisions about the life and death of people are made during this night. All these beliefs and superstitions do not belong to the authentic teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
We must try to follow the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah of the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). It is our duty as Muslims to take advantage of all good occasions to revive our faith, to purify our souls, and to increase our love and devotion to Allah (glory be to Him), but we must follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). We must not do anything in our celebrations that is against his teachings.
Kelebihan Syaban
Erti Syaban ialah berpecah-pecah atau berpuak-puak. Masyarakat Quraiysh pada waktu itu terpaksa berpecah kepada beberapa kumpulan untuk mencari sumber air di padang pasir.
Dan apabila Rasulullah SAW datang, beliau mengekalkan nama itu sehinggalah sekarang. Rasulullah SAW telah menyebut tentang pelbagai kelebihan bulan Syaban dalam hadis-hadisnya. Diantara hadis yang paling masyhur ialah; Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada sahabat-sahabatnya,
“Tahukah kamu sekelian mengapa dinamakan dengan bulan Syaban?” Para sahabat menjawab, “Allah dan RasulNya lebih mengetahui” Sabda Rasulullah SAW, “Kerana dalam bulan itu berkembanglah kebaikan yang banyak sekali.” (Dipetik dari kitab Raudatul Ulama).
Fadhilat Syaban
Bulan Syaban merupakan bulan kedua selepas Rejab yang penuh dengan keberkatan. Sebahagian ahli hikmah menyatakan bahawa sesungguhnya bulan Rejab adalah kesempatan untuk meminta ampun dari segala dosa, pada bulan Syaban adalah kesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri dari segala macam cela dan pada bulan Ramadhan adalah masa untuk menerangkan hati dan jiwa.
Di antara amalan-amalan yang digalakkan pada bulan Syaban adalah:
* Memperbanyakkan puasa sunat . Sebagaimana yang telah dijelaskan terdahulu bahawa Rasulullah SAW lebih gemar untuk berpuasa sunat dalam bulan Syaban berbanding dengan bulan-bulan yang lain. Justeru itu adalah patut bagi kita selaku umat Baginda mencontohinya dalam memperbanyakkan puasa sunat bagi menyemarak dan mengagungkan bulan Syaban ini.
Di dalam kitab Durratun Nasihin ada menyebut sebuah hadis yang menyatakan bahawa Rasulullah SAW. bersabda yang maksudnya: “Barangsiapa berpuasa tiga hari pada permulaan Syaban dan tiga hari pada pertengahan Syaban dan tiga hari pada akhir Syaban, maka Allah Taala mencatat untuknya pahala seperti pahala tujuh puluh nabi dan seperti orang-orang yang beribadat kepada Allah Taala selama tujuh puluh tahun dan apabila dia mati pada tahun itu maka dia seperti orang yang mati syahid.”
* Memperbanyak doa, zikir dan berselawat kepada Rasulullah S.A.W. Sabda Rasulullah S.A.W.: “Barangsiapa yang mengagungkan bulan Syaban, bertaqwa kepada Allah, taat kepada-Nya serta menahan diri dari perbuatan maksiat, maka Allah Taala mengampuni semua dosanya dan menyelamatkannya di dalam tahun itu dari segala macam bencana dan penyakit.” (Dipetik dari kitab Zubdatul Wa’izhin)
* Bertaubat. Diriwayatkan dari Umamah Al Bahili Radiallahuanhu, dia berkata: Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda yang maksudnya: “Manakala masuk bulan Syaban, sukacitalah dirimu dan perbaiki niatmu.”
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
If your company, a comb manufacturer, assigns you to sell combs to the monks in the temples? Can you do it?
What is your answer ?
a) No Way , Impossible !
b) Crazy !
c) I will give it a try in order to follow my boss' instruction.
d) Well, I will try.
e) Ya, I think I can sell ??? (5pcs ? 10pcs ? 50pcs ? or name it)
Pick an answer above and read below to find out if you are or are not going to be a successful person or not at all.
There is one company "manufacturing combs" which intends to expand its business and therefore, the management needs to employ a new Sales Manager.
The company ADVERTISED the vacancy in the newspaper. Many people turned up for the interview daily....adding up to almost a hundred interviewees in just few days.
The Company now faces the problem in choosing the right candidate for this position. So the Company's HR manager sets out a task to those who wanted to come for the final interview.
The task: Selling Combs To Monks In Temples
Only 3 applicants are willing to stay on for this Final Interview challenge:- A, B and C
The HR manager instructed: "Now I want three of you to sell these wooden combs to the monks in the temples. You only have 10 days to do it and report to me."
After 10 days, they reported.
The HR manager asked A: "How many have you sold ?"
A answered: "Only One."
HR manager asked: "How did you manage to sell one ?
A answered: "The monks in the temple scolded me when I showed them the comb but on my way downhill, I met a young monk who bought it to scratch his head due to dandruff."
The HR manager then asked B: "How many did you sell ?
B replied: "10 pieces. I went to a shrine and noticed that many devotees' hair were in a mess due to strong winds outside the shrine. The monk listened to my advice and bought 10 combs for their devotees as a mark of respect to Buddha."
Then, the HR manager asked C: "What about you ?"
C replied: "1,000 units."
The HR manager and the other 2 interviewees were astounded.
HR manager asked: "How did you do that ?"
C replied: "I went to a famous temple. After observing for a few days, I discovered that there were many tourists. I then told the Chief Abbot there. "Sifu, those who come here are very devoted. If you could give them a gift, it will be more elating to them. I told him that I have a bulk of combs here and asked him to put his signature on the combs as a present to these visitors. He was very delighted and immediately ordered 1,000 pieces."
HARVARD UNIVERSITY did a research:-
1) 85% of success is due to attitude and 15% is capability
2) Attitude is more important than intelligence, specials skills or luck..
In other words, professional knowledge only constitutes for 15% success factor while 85% is due to self-cultivation, public relations and adaptability.
Still remember the story of Selling Shoes to Africans ?
When 2 Salesmen were sent to Africa , one of them reported: "Cannot do it. No one wears shoes over there !"
The second salesman said: "It is good to market. A lot of opportunities. "
Success and Failure is dependent on how we face problems.
Remember, when the economic is good, there are people going bankrupt.
When business is bad, there are many new millionaires as well. So apply the 85% of the right working attitude fully.
Something 2 Share:
I believe this basic principle of 85% right working attitude is also applicable to Plantation Management.
Many problems encountered by planters can be overcome because they are not as difficult as "selling comb to the monks". Logically, it's impossible for the monk to buy a comb to comb hair. Monks in temples are simply not your customers!
With this story, we learn to "think out of the box" and even with 15% capability, we are confident to solve problems as long as we have the RIGHT WORKING ATTITUDE, COMMITMENT, DISCIPLINED, DEDICATED and DETERMINED.
Every time when we watch MISSION IMPOSSIBLE, the ending is always POSSIBLE.
Monday, July 19, 2010
11 Ways to Be Happier at Work
It's always okay to agree with your boss even though you may not feel like it..and get back to your friends when you have settled with your boss.
2. Do the thing you dread first.
The “fun factor” rule could help you. If you have a number of things to do within a short time, prioritize them in order of their ‘fun factor. For some people, that means doing the distasteful jobs first and saving the best for dessert.
3. Sweet-talk yourself.
First step: “Be grateful for what you are learning in this job, and, if you look, you will see that you are indeed learning every day.” Next step: Use positive affirmations such as "This is temporary" or “Be sure to remind yourself that you are choosing this job". Bolstering a sense of control can help you reduce the level of stress hormones in your brain, which can lead to memory and concentration problems, she says.
4. Use your imagination—and breath.
If it is possible—even if you have to lock yourself in a restroom stall—close your eyes, put your hand over your heart and take very deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Doing this for even one minute a day will instill a sense of calm and happiness. Want to take your happiness to the next level? Use your imagination.
Imagine that you are in your perfect place. If you love tropical, white-sand beaches, immerse yourself in a beach moment—in your mind. Feel the sand on your feet, smell the salt air, hear the waves on the shoreline. This has a way of immediately shifting your perspective and will enable you to handle difficult situations with more grace and understanding.
5. Stressed? Get walking—outside, if you can.
Exercise is the best mood stabilizer we have. Even if you can only do some stretches or a couple of yoga poses every day, you will notice a difference in your stress level. The best way to recover from a bad encounter at the office that’s leaving you feeling anxious or upset is to take a walk—outside! Full-spectrum light such as sunlight has been shown to elevate mood.
6. Give yourself aromatherapy.
As long as it’s not bothersome to your coworkers (or against your office’s fire safety codes), a scented candle or an aromatherapy diffuser could help you perk up.
A natural fragrance used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, contains a compound that has antidepressive and antianxiety effects. Try burning a frankincense candle or dabbing on some essential oil in your office.
7. Find a sense of purpose in what you do (even if you hate your job).
Research shows that when people see their work as their calling—more than just something to do for a paycheck—their happiness level significantly increases.
8. Stretch your arms up, over your head.
Who doesn’t feel a little happier, calmer and more balanced after a good stretch? The best get-happy-at-work stretch is extending your arms over your head. When our armpits are open, those emotions are released; it's very hard to frown and most people instantly smile.
9. Keep things on your desk and around your computer that make you smile.
Don’t underestimate the power of what’s right in front of you. Have something on your screen saver that opens your heart every time you see it. (For example: a photo of your kids, your dog, your parents, your last vacation or a meaningful scene from nature.) Images that connect you to the things and people you love will boost your happiness regardless of your professional circumstances, she says. And when all else fails, make yourself chuckle. Have something on your desk that makes you laugh. Suggestions: a toy that makes a silly sound
10. Do some squats.
A set of 20—yes, 20!—squats in your office might help you feel happier. Short and intense exercise can stimulate the release of growth hormone, a natural mood enhancer. Doing squats engages the largest muscles—the legs—so the maximum amount of growth hormone release is achieved.
11. Smile (really, it works!).
When you are having a wreck of a day, the last thing you feel like doing is smiling, right? Many experts, say that forcing yourself to smile could be the fastest way to trick your body into beating the at-work blues. You can actually trick your brain's neurotransmitters into thinking you are happy with a smile. Added bonus: Your smile can actually spread happiness to others. When you smile at people, they typically smile back—it's a natural reflex to mimic the facial expressions of others.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Budi Setahun Segunung Intan
Jangan cik adik lah sayang
Rindukan bulan
Bulanlah tinggi cik adik
Jauh di awan
Orang jauh jangan rindu
Orang yang dekat dengarkan teman
Teman dicari cik adik
Bergurau senda
Tidur sebantal cik adik
Sanggul berbunga
Kasih sayang hamba sembah
Sirih dikapur tanda mesra
Sirih sekapurlah abang
Berseri muka
Bunga setangkai cik abang
Penyambut kata
Kalau tuan sayang hamba
Tidaklah padi berusang hamba
Takkan berusanglah abang
Padi diladang
Takkan terbang hai abang
Pipit di ladang
Kekasih rindu dikenang
Budi setahun segunung intan
Amboi..manisnyer lirik lagu nih (dr ahmad jais, kartina dahari)..irama pun sedap, tak jemu didengar. Lagu klasik 60-an zaman nenek2 dan ibubapa kita..lirik yang begitu puitis.. penuh makna, mengharap seribu pengertian.
Namun bagi jiwa yang ketandusan emosi, manakan bisa menghargai seni yang begitu indah ini. Irama yang klasik..cantik beralun, ternyata JAUH berbeza dengan muzik kini yang banyaknya hanya mengubah dan menambah-nambah. Kononnya kreatif tapi langsung tiada nilai estetika.
Muzik Malaysia..telah lama hilang identitinya..kalau ada pun komposer yang bagus2 (macam m.nasir), muzik mereka tenggelam hilang di arus zaman. Zaman modenlah katakan, muzik dan seni pun mestilah moden kan..kalo tak, tak key ell lah. Itu kata kebanyakan generasi muda zaman sekarang. Bukan menyalahkan tetapi hanya menyatakan yang lagu2 dan irama yang menggambarkan ketinggian seni masyarakat Melayu telah lama terhakis dari minda dan jiwa generasi masa kini.
Ohh..aku rindukan irama gamelan, yang santun dan mendayu memukul hati..Bukan irama ala hip hop atau rap atau yang sewaktu dengannya yang TIADA LANGSUNG mengambarkan nilai kesantunan dan ketinggian budi masyarakat Melayu. Hanya lirik2 kosong yang melayan emosi tak menentu. Yang sesetengahnya menyatakan pemberontakan mereka dengan situasi semasa. Banyak contohnya, tetapi biarlah sahaja. Tak mahu dikata berfikiran NEGATIF atau TERTUTUP.
Masih wujudkah generasi muda yang memperjuangkan lagu dan kesenian Melayu yang santun? Kalau adapun mungkin di ipta dan ipts dengan kumpulan gamelan, caklempong atau pun dikir barat mereka. Mungkin juga kumpulan2 seni negeri..Tapi, tak banyak dan kalau adapun pendapat mereka sering ditentang oleh karenah birokrasi yang langsung tidak mahu menghargai.
Harapanku agar muzik2 klasik berjiwa melayu ini tidak pupus terus. Sayang kalau dibiarkan tenggelam begitu sahaja dibawa arus kemodenan masa kini. Tengok sahaja lirik lagu di atas, bercerita tentang perasaan teruna dan dara dengan cara yang penuh molek dan beralas, berkias-kias, banyak nasihat menasihati. Sama2 kita hayati maknanya :)