It's always okay to agree with your boss even though you may not feel like it..and get back to your friends when you have settled with your boss.
2. Do the thing you dread first.
The “fun factor” rule could help you. If you have a number of things to do within a short time, prioritize them in order of their ‘fun factor. For some people, that means doing the distasteful jobs first and saving the best for dessert.
3. Sweet-talk yourself.
First step: “Be grateful for what you are learning in this job, and, if you look, you will see that you are indeed learning every day.” Next step: Use positive affirmations such as "This is temporary" or “Be sure to remind yourself that you are choosing this job". Bolstering a sense of control can help you reduce the level of stress hormones in your brain, which can lead to memory and concentration problems, she says.
4. Use your imagination—and breath.
If it is possible—even if you have to lock yourself in a restroom stall—close your eyes, put your hand over your heart and take very deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Doing this for even one minute a day will instill a sense of calm and happiness. Want to take your happiness to the next level? Use your imagination.
Imagine that you are in your perfect place. If you love tropical, white-sand beaches, immerse yourself in a beach moment—in your mind. Feel the sand on your feet, smell the salt air, hear the waves on the shoreline. This has a way of immediately shifting your perspective and will enable you to handle difficult situations with more grace and understanding.
5. Stressed? Get walking—outside, if you can.
Exercise is the best mood stabilizer we have. Even if you can only do some stretches or a couple of yoga poses every day, you will notice a difference in your stress level. The best way to recover from a bad encounter at the office that’s leaving you feeling anxious or upset is to take a walk—outside! Full-spectrum light such as sunlight has been shown to elevate mood.
6. Give yourself aromatherapy.
As long as it’s not bothersome to your coworkers (or against your office’s fire safety codes), a scented candle or an aromatherapy diffuser could help you perk up.

A natural fragrance used for thousands of years in religious ceremonies, contains a compound that has antidepressive and antianxiety effects. Try burning a frankincense candle or dabbing on some essential oil in your office.
7. Find a sense of purpose in what you do (even if you hate your job).
Research shows that when people see their work as their calling—more than just something to do for a paycheck—their happiness level significantly increases.
8. Stretch your arms up, over your head.
Who doesn’t feel a little happier, calmer and more balanced after a good stretch? The best get-happy-at-work stretch is extending your arms over your head. When our armpits are open, those emotions are released; it's very hard to frown and most people instantly smile.
9. Keep things on your desk and around your computer that make you smile.
Don’t underestimate the power of what’s right in front of you. Have something on your screen saver that opens your heart every time you see it. (For example: a photo of your kids, your dog, your parents, your last vacation or a meaningful scene from nature.) Images that connect you to the things and people you love will boost your happiness regardless of your professional circumstances, she says. And when all else fails, make yourself chuckle. Have something on your desk that makes you laugh. Suggestions: a toy that makes a silly sound

10. Do some squats.
A set of 20—yes, 20!—squats in your office might help you feel happier. Short and intense exercise can stimulate the release of growth hormone, a natural mood enhancer. Doing squats engages the largest muscles—the legs—so the maximum amount of growth hormone release is achieved.
11. Smile (really, it works!).
When you are having a wreck of a day, the last thing you feel like doing is smiling, right? Many experts, say that forcing yourself to smile could be the fastest way to trick your body into beating the at-work blues. You can actually trick your brain's neurotransmitters into thinking you are happy with a smile. Added bonus: Your smile can actually spread happiness to others. When you smile at people, they typically smile back—it's a natural reflex to mimic the facial expressions of others.
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